23 Dec
Tips for creating effective email and building customer loyalty
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How to build customer loyalty with the help of email campaigns?

Email is one of the best marketing tools that is easy to use and is great for building customer loyalty. It requires expertise and attention to maximize its effectiveness.

It is not just about writing a few lines with an image - you need to use all the options available, using the charms of personalization. Likewise, it is crucial to send and analyze your emails in the most favorable period and to combine them with other digital marketing tools.

The importance of email in a loyalty strategy

Loyalty is a typical issue in any market segment: if you attain it, it helps to reduce costs, secure business, and to maintain long-term customer relationships.

Building loyalty through email campaigns is interesting - especially in money-saving terms - as you can write the messages on your own. And if you don't want to waste your time or feel a lack of necessary skills, you can always outsource your email campaign to a digital marketing team for a reasonable price.

Email software isn't expensive either, usually, it depends on the features the tool offers: expect an average of $10 to $50 per month if your campaign base consists of 5,000 recipients. Email offers an impressive return on investment and, thanks to special software, gives you multiple advantages:

  • Send your emails automatically to the entire database for an undeniable speed boost;
  • Use some templates where you only need to insert your text and images: therefore, you can focus on the spirit and content of the message instead of the design and formation;
  • You can segment customers by location, age, consuming behavior, gender, and more. It will enable sending personalized content to each customer. Inserting personal information, such as customers' names, makes a powerful unconscious connection.
  • Email software allows you to collect several types of data that help constantly improve your email marketing strategy and manage your customer relations. Having this data, you can measure the impact of your correspondence through the number of delivered messages, open rates, conversion rates, clicks, unsubscribes, and even purchases.

You better know - despite all the emailing advantages, due to law and ethics, you should have the users' consent to send them a newsletter. 

But still, it is an effective business development tool.

How to determine the right subject and time to send a marketing email?

There are many opportunities to email your customers. You need to know some tips to identify and take advantage of your campaign without flooding your potential customers with emails or taking the risk of interfering. It is necessary to determine the common ground with your customers in advance, discovering their expectations and the type of activity they are into:

  • You can create special events offering sales (for example, company birthdays and Christmas) or maintain a close relationship with your customers, especially during the New Year holidays;
  • Sending a newsletter (monthly or quarterly) is also a good practice to retain your customer base. You can include the news and your events, offer content that will be interesting and relevant for the customer, etc.;
  • When new customers give you their email addresses, it's also an opportunity to send them a welcome letter to show your appreciation and inspire them to become loyal customers of your business;
  • At the end of the project, you can send a satisfaction survey: why don't you get more information about the customer's experience and demonstrate your interest in their feedback? In addition, this is how you can collect information about customers and improve the targeting of future emails to meet their needs better;
  • If you find that some consumers are not very receptive to your previous emails or haven't used your services for a long time, you can try to win them over again by sending an email with highly personalized content or even an offer.

Email campaigns are more than just advertising! 

Use it to get the essential data for your marketing strategy. And follow just four simple rules to write a successful and attractive business email.


You've found the perfect software for your digital campaign, gathered all the information about your customers, and found your ideal schedule, but then the time comes to focus on writing a letter. It is a significant step for optimizing your open rate and achieving customer retention success.

Avoid spam at any costs

For your email to be helpful, it must be readable! A few simple rules can keep you from ending up in your customers' spam boxes.

  • Use an understandable sender name (your company name) and save it every time you send;
  • Be careful with the subject line of the email. Avoid punctuation and capital letters in abundance, as well as words that are too loud;
  • The body of your email should also be kept simple - in other words, no overuse of colors, bold, italics, or capitalized sentences.

Nobody likes spam! Getting your email to the recipient's inbox is simple: use a catchy title, and avoid excessive capitalization or special characters.

Balance text and images

Whatever message you want to convey, the recipients must find it attractive and spend time reading it. Write enough text to deliver the information and structure it well, but also insert images that will make the email more pleasant to read. It will allow you to illustrate your points and stand out among the dozens of regular emails, your customers receive every day.

Offer content according to the purpose

Since most email programs allow you to segment recipients and offer various personalization features, consider using these communication tools! Building loyalty requires closeness and trust, and you need to give each customer a sense of who they are and show them that you care about their needs.

That requires personalization in form (use the recipient's name, insert a customer loyalty number, etc.) and content, offering a message that fits the customer profile. For example, give special offers for a birthday or as a reward for a previous purchase.

Relevant content that builds loyalty also involves sending non-promotional information to recipients. For example, you might write an email that tells your customers about new legislation for a job they've asked you to quote.

Personalizing the newsletter strengthens your relationship with actual or potential customers. But be careful to engage your reader - your newsletter must be enjoyable to read: interesting content + nice visuals = emails read and even expected.

Act smart

Finally, keep in mind: many of your customers will check your email on their smartphones, so you should consider creating an email that is readable on a computer, phone, or even tablet. Believe there is nothing more frustrating for a user than receiving a message they cannot read or struggle to open.

The disadvantage of this practice is that it requires exceptional design skills. Therefore, you can turn to an external service provider specializing in digital marketing to execute this stage of your campaign. But you can also choose email software that includes this feature: you'll save time by ensuring that all recipients have easy access to your mail.

It takes three seconds, on average, before the user closes an email that wasn't displayed well. 

Want to increase your sales and customer trust by creating a responsive email campaign? Contact us via the form, and the Webugol marketing team will help to reach significant results!