Andrii Oprysko
Social Media Advertising Specialist
Meet Andrew, our young social media advertising specialist with more than 3 years of experience. He is developing Facebook and Instagram pages that will not only look good but also make a profit.
Why is it important to develop the direction of advertising on social networks? Andrew himself will answer this question for you:
"Hi, my name is Andrew and I do your Facebook and Instagram advertising. You can ask me "If Google is effective and gives targeted customers to us why Facebook?". The difference between Google and Facebook advertising is that Facebook allows you to get targeted customers with less advertising costs.
It is also important to understand that Google advertising is not for everyone. That is why we conduct free business analysis for each client to choose the best way to develop the business.
Facebook and Instagram advertising is the advertising of offers, which is also profitable if you know how to adjust and optimize it. But the main thing that allows Facebook - is to increase brand awareness. You can attract new customers without any interest in your company when you open a store in another city, you can search for target customers for your purchases here and now, you can remind existing customers of yourself who use your services and many other options.
If you use Google advertising, Facebook advertising, and add SEO and the development of your social networks, then, believe me, you will be very surprised at the results of using these marketing tools together. Yes, I know how to make profitable advertising just for you and your company."
If you need a video creative to run advertising assets, Andrew will not only come up with an idea, but he created the best video of all the wishes of the client. From a content plan to an effective advertising campaign - Andrew will do everything possible to ensure the best results!