26 Apr
Setup Google Ads Enhanced Conversions Paying Zero
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How do Google Ads Enhanced Conversions work?

Google Enhanced Conversions is easiest to explain by way of an example.

Dan used his work laptop to look for a new skateboard; he viewed the ad and considered buying one, but ultimately decided against it.

Two hours later, Dan buys the skateboard from the skate shop's website using his smartphone and his personal email account. Dan's first-party data (email, shipping address, and phone number) is provided to Google during the checkout process so that he can finish the transaction.

Dan did most of his research via his work email, but he also used his phone as an authenticator so that Google could link his work email to the phone number he used to make the purchase.

With Google's latest feature, Enhanced Conversions, we can build a customer profile for Dan using only first-party data. Without enhanced conversions, Google might not have been able to link Dan's purchase to the ad he clicked on before.

To better credit Dan's purchase to the relevant campaigns, Enhanced Conversions will share Dan's first-party data with Google Ads, allowing Google to match Dan's information to known clicks on ads.

Yes, the aforementioned scenario does have a cybercrime movie vibe. However, Google claims that only Google will have access to a customer's data thanks to its data encryption mechanism and that customers still have some say over how Google utilizes their data.

To what extent does Google Ads enhanced conversion tracking benefit you? 

Google Ads has an advanced tracking feature called Enhanced Conversions. More precise and in-depth data regarding the customer experience is made available. This gives you a deeper insight into how users interact with your website and ads, which you can then use to fine-tune future campaigns. Modern conversions allow for accurate measurement of:

  • The user's specific search phrase, location, and device kind when they clicked the ad;
  • The full Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the referring page from which the user came;
  • Evaluation of the efficacy of the various promotional efforts;
  • The overall profit made from advertising efforts.

The key advantage of sophisticated conversion tracking is that it identifies problem areas where performance may be enhanced. By examining performance data, marketers may identify hotspots for improvement and allocate more resources accordingly. Whenever a business sees that one of its advertising campaigns is underperforming in some areas or among some demographics, it may quickly alter the campaign and hone in on that specific group. Businesses may increase the likelihood that their consumers will buy their products or use their services by employing this optimization method.

Another major perk of Google Ads Enhanced Conversions is that it can provide in-depth reports. By examining performance data, marketers may learn which advertisements are more effective at bringing in conversions and adjust their strategies accordingly. These discoveries equip marketers with useful information that can be put to use to make their campaigns more effective.

How can Google Ads Enhanced Conversions be set up without spending money?

google ads enhanced conversionsGoogle Ads Enhanced Conversions is a free tool that makes monitoring and boosting your online performance a breeze. Before you can begin using Google Ads, you will need to set up conversion tracking. These modifications may be made in the "Measurement" section of your account's "Tools" page.

Once you've done that, you can make a new conversion action and choose Advanced Conversion from the resulting menu. After making your choice, you'll be able to input the specifics of each deal or lead you want to monitor and set the desired conversion rate for that action.

When you check this box, your performance reports will include a new column with details regarding conversions, such as the conversion type, value, and source. This allows for a deeper comprehension of how different facets of the campaign affect the achievement of the set KPIs.

The complete value of each conversion action may then be evaluated once you add more data, such as revenue metrics or objectives, to advanced conversion monitoring. Once you have set up all the necessary components, you will be able to efficiently enable sophisticated conversion tracking at no extra expense.

By taking advantage of this no-cost feature inside Google Ads, users can see how well their campaigns are doing and where they may get the highest return on investment from their spending on conversions. With the use of comprehensive conversion tracking, businesses can identify which initiatives are providing real value to consumers and capitalize on possibilities to boost conversions even further.

Types of Google Ads Enhanced Conversions

Conversions that occur on multiple platforms, those that use payment cards, those that include in-person contacts (such as shop visits or phone calls), and those that occur within apps are the five types of advanced conversions.

Customers who made purchases on several devices can be identified by monitoring conversion rates across devices. It reveals the starting point of customers' journeys and their path as they interacted with the ad across devices.

With credit card spending, marketers can track how much money customers who have interacted with their ads in the past are spending now. They are able to correctly evaluate their return on investment (ROI) by linking customer purchase data to the advertising campaigns that generated those sales.

Marketers may see how many people interact with their offline stores by tracking the number of people who arrive after seeing an internet ad or searching for directions. Students can also learn why and how some forms of advertising are more successful than others at getting clients in the door.

Call tracking allows businesses to see how many and what kind of calls come in as a direct result of advertising campaigns. You may use this data to determine which ads are generating the most calls, which in turn can be used to fine-tune future campaigns for optimal results.

App engagement allows businesses to track what their consumers do within mobile apps after clicking on an ad or a link on a website (such as downloads, registrations, etc.). They utilize this data to learn which forms of advertising are most successful in boosting app downloads and user engagement with their goods.

Three requirements for Google Ads Enhanced Conversions

The data you are receiving remains completely anonymized conversion data. You should not expect to have access to individual information such as which users conducted which behaviors in response to advertisements, since user data is still protected.

The improved conversion function may be used only with preexisting conversion types that contain customer information. Buying something, signing up for services, and joining mailing lists all fall under this category.

For this feature to work as intended, it is necessary to have access to a certain piece of information. This might be in the form of an email address (strongly preferred), a phone number (required in conjunction with the first two selections), or a physical mailing address and name.

As email can stand on its own and has the lowest average barrier to accessing user data, we recommend focusing on it extensively.


The Enhanced Conversions tool from Google is an excellent example of how more data isn't always better. You may learn a lot about your customers' journey if you track the effect of different ads on various points of conversion.

Enhanced conversions may be set up in one of three simple ways, and doing so takes only a few minutes but yields substantial long-term benefits. It has to be configured only once for each event, rather than for each campaign.

With this data, you may improve the relevance, clickability, and profitability of your advertising campaigns by crafting more effective advertisements that attract more than just site visitors. That's a perk that's tough to pass up.

Marketers and advertisers may use first-party data with the aid of Google Ads Enhanced Conversions without breaking any privacy laws. Using advanced conversions to get more precise conversion data can aid in better bid and budget management, as well as general advertising campaign optimization.

Advanced conversions may be set up in a number of different ways, each appropriate for how tracking is implemented on your website.

If you need help setting up complex transformations, don't hesitate to get in contact with us. WebUgol Google Ads experts are there to help you optimize your campaigns.